Holiday Drinks

5 Holiday Drinks You Need To Try This Year

The holidays are fast approaching. That means you need to start planning out your social events, all of which will involve delicious drinks. What do you drink at Christmas dinner? Hanukkah dinner? And New Years Eve? We’ve got some great ideas and recipes to make you the connoisseur of holiday drinks – and the life of the holiday party!

Christmas Eve – Eagle Rare 10yr Bourbon

Christmas Eve is often the most peaceful and relaxing night of the year… of course, that’s once dinner is over, the kids are asleep, and the fire is sizzling hot. A moment like this deserves an epic nightcap, which is why we recommend a rare whiskey like Eagle Rare 10yr Bourbon. With its sweet, oaky nose and full, complex body, it tastes amazing on the rocks and is a perfect complement to a toasty night by the fire. If you’re looking for something a little different, check out the rest of our December Barrel Room specials or ask our expert staff for recommendations at our store.

Christmas Dinner – 93+ Pts California Cabernets

Whether you’re serving oven-roasted turkey, spiral ham, or a mix of vegetarian dishes, Christmas dinner is a special event that deserves an extra special holiday drink. Everyone has a personal preference when it comes to wine, but we highly recommend a cellar-ready California Cabernet. Our December Best Cellars list features three Cabernets that are rated 93 Points or higher by Wine Advocate and are perfect for the occasion. And when the dinner is over and the table is all cleared, you can take your glass to the porch to enjoy with a Casa de Cuba Doble Seis cigar, only $13.25 + tax!

Hanukkah Dinner – Jewish Manhattan Cocktail

We picked up this great idea from 12 Bottle Bar. With eight nights of Hanukkah lining the calendar, there will come a point when you’ll want something better than a glass of Manischewitz wine to accompany your meal. To mix up the celebration, we figured a Manhattan cocktail (with a Jewish twist) would be the perfect holiday drink! You can use our traditional Manhattan cocktail recipe and replace the sweet vermouth with Manischewitz wine to create the new Jewish Manhattan Cocktail. Enjoy!

New Years Eve – La Marca Prosecco

The final party of the year is often the most exciting, which is why so many people break out the Champagne and celebrate! We’ve got plenty of incredible Champagne options on the shelves at Vinnin Liquors, but if you’re looking to save a little money (or buy a lot of bottles), consider a Prosecco from Italy instead. Prosecco wine has a similar taste and feel as Champagne, but comes in at a much lower price. As part of our monthly Best Sellers, we have 750ml bottles of La Marca Prosecco going for only $11.99. Get them while they’re still here!

New Years Day – 21st Amendment Fireside Chat Beer 

Whether you’re recovering from a hangover on New Years Day, or relishing in your day off work, you’ll probably spend a good portion of your day watching football on TV. And nothing goes better with football than a mug of cold beer! This month, as part of our What’s Brewin’ beer specials, we’ve got 6-packs of 21st Amendment Fireside Chat for only $10.89 + deposit. Not only does the beer sound relaxing, but it tastes great too. So grab a cold one – or six – and enjoy your first day off in 2015!

We hope you enjoy these delicious holiday drinks. And please have a wonderful and safe holiday season and Happy New Year!